My original character.

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Is there a backstory about her? How did you come up with her? She is very pretty and she looks like she has extremely powerful kicks.
  1. 2009/07/23(木) 10:29:18 |
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  3. PlayfulOtter #-
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She has a backstory, but it's too long to translate.

But I'll give you a breaf introduction.

Her name is Yun Ye won. She is a university student and she practiced rhythmic gymnastic. She has very long & beautiful legs.
One day, she was doing part time job in the gas station, some rich guys drove in with their lamborghini. They tried to harase her because her leg was really beautiful. In that time, she didn't know how to kick. But she try to kick them applied her rhythmic gymnastic skill with her long and flexible legs. In the result, They are all in the ICU.

  1. 2009/07/23(木) 12:18:18 |
  2. URL |
  3. SSTN #-
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Wow, she is really cool! I look forward to seeing more of her and your other original ideas.
  1. 2009/07/23(木) 18:25:54 |
  2. URL |
  3. PlayfulOtter #-
  4. [ Edit ]

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