

This is a place for who admire beautiful girl's SEXY LEGS, their DEADLY KICKS, and ECSTATIC SCENES from between their legs when they are kicking.

I like girls who wears miniskirt and kicking their preys really creuly with no mercy, showing their panties and beautiful curve of thighs to preys. <-- it could be a mercy

I'll share all of my my works in this place .If you interest in this concept, join us.

And I love feedbacks. Even your tiny reply can cheers me. please give me feedbacks.

Topic:DRAWINGS - Genre:AdultContents

  1. 2009/07/20(月) 02:30:04|
  2. Kicking angels
  3. | Trackbacks:0
  4. | Comments:4
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This is wonderful! I remember seeing your artwork on another site, I don't know the name because it is all in Japanese and I can't read japanese, but it was a long time ago and I still have the pictures of yours from there. I have always admired your work. I am very happy to have found this site.
  1. 2009/07/21(火) 16:49:46 |
  2. URL |
  3. PlayfulOtter #-
  4. [ Edit ]


Thank you for your attention. Your concerns about my works will be a great motivation for me.
  1. 2009/07/21(火) 19:29:42 |
  2. URL |
  3. SSTN #yNlweDMU
  4. [ Edit ]

I am pleased to hear your words. I look forward to seeing your new works.
  1. 2009/07/22(水) 05:16:52 |
  2. URL |
  3. PlayfulOtter #-
  4. [ Edit ]

where are your original works?

please draw more!
  1. 2011/10/12(水) 03:32:26 |
  2. URL |
  3. weasel #X1TCHtGY
  4. [ Edit ]

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