another Alice pic

sorry for absence


I'm really busy for my job today. I'm always sorry for you about blog updating and management.
I'll keep focusing on update.

This pretty girl is 'Alice' in wonderland.

I got an inspiration about her from American Mcgee's alice. In that work, she use a kitchen knife for a weapon. she use it with her little hands. But that's not powerful, and not sexy.

So I fixed her knife's location. On her boots, not her hand. Now she has a devastating power. Her flexibility of legs and kicking skills increases knife's power by 20 times.

Nobody can stop her in wonderland.
  1. 2009/11/18(水) 01:56:13|
  2. Kicking angels
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  4. | Comments:2

old practice

Assassin from Diablo2

Assassin from Diablo2

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